Saturday, September 22, 2012

Yet So Strong

He was so sweet and innocent, and yet so strong and so decent and so kind. He was everything she had always feared and never wanted. prefigure prefatorial predicant predicative predevote predestinarianism predella predacious predacean preconize preconcert precognosce precissive precipitinogenic preceptive precentor precatory precative preallable prebendal prebend preaudience preagonal preadamic praxis praxinoscope praxeology pravity pratincolous prate pratal prandial prasinous pralltriller prairillon pragmatism pragmatica praepostor praedial practive powellisation poussin pourparler pourboire poundal poundage pounce poult poulard poudrin pottle potter pottle potshop potomania potometer potichomania pother potentiometer potatory potentiate potation potamology potamic potager potable postulator postulant postscenium postprandial postmundane postlude postliminy postliminary postjacent postil postilion posticous postiche postexilic postface postern postdiluvian postconnubial postcibal postcenal postament posset possessive posology posnet positivism posigrade portreeve portmanteau portfire portesse portatile porringer porriginous porraceous porphyrous porphyry porphyrogeniture porphyrogenitic porosis poroscope poroplastic porometer poromeric porogamy porlocking porism poriomania poriferous poriform porge porculation porcine porcellanous porbeagle poral poppyhead popple popliteal popocracy poplin popjoy popinjay poophyte poop poodle